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Unmarried Couples in Oregon
Do Unmarried Couples Have Rights?
While unmarried couples who break up have no legal or financial responsibilities towards each other, they do have legal responsibilities for any children they share. Child custody, child support, and property rights then become issues that must be addressed so that children will not suffer the loss of financial support or valued time with both parents. If you are an unmarried person who needs legal assistance, you can rely on Hedman Family Law. We serve individuals and families in and around the greater Gresham area.
Phone our offices to schedule a consultation about your legal issue at (503) 506-7887. You can also contact our firm online.
Attorney Natalie Hedman offers a fully-rounded understanding of family breakups from both a personal and a legal standpoint.
What Rights Do Unmarried Fathers Have in Oregon?
If an unmarried father is named as the child’s father on the birth certificate, his paternity is established and entitles him to parental rights in terms of custody and parenting time. If this is not done at the time of the child’s birth, an unmarried father may need to prove his paternity later to ensure his parental rights.
Steps to Establish Paternity in Oregon
In Oregon, this can be done by:
- Completing a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity
- Having both parents sign the form
- Obtaining a notary’s signature
- Sending the form to Oregon’s Vital Records
Proving Paternity for Child Support Claims
An unmarried mother may also need to prove a father’s paternity in order to petition for child support from an absent father who contests it. Paternity will then be established through DNA testing.
But Your Don't Have to Do It Alone

Who Has Custody of a Child When The Parents Are Not Married in Oregon?
Paternity must be established before an Oregon court can award any type of custody to an unmarried father. Child custody and support are then handled using the same guidelines, laws, and circumstances as used for married couples where both parent have equal rights to custody.
Oregon courts generally favor that the child have a frequent and continuing relationship with both parents unless the child’s safety would advise against it. Unmarried couples who are both legally responsible for a child will need to handle the issues of child custody and support through the courts.
Contact the Gresham family lawyers at Hedman Family Law at (503) 506-7887 for help today.

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Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (503) 506-7887.